Prayer Requests

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Intercessory Prayer Requests for Liberia

1. I pray that God would provide daily food, clothing and shelter for the Liberian people.

2. May God open up the hearts and minds of the Liberians to understand God’s message of salvation; may He make blind eyes see.

3. I ask God to make a way for the unreached counties, towns and villages of Liberia to hear of the salvation He offers.

4. I pray that God would bring down corrupt religious leaders and those spreading a false gospel.

5. May Jesus continue to reveal Himself to the Muslims of Liberia as the only way to heaven.

6. I ask that the Liberians would see the futility of life without Christ.

7. May the Liberians be freed from their fear of evil spirits.

8. I ask that God would show his power to be greater than the power of the zoes (spirit communicators) and molimen (Islamic shamen).

9. May the believers repent of their sin and live in a way honoring to their Lord and Savior.

10. May God make the Christian men of Liberia to be true men of God—servant-leaders in their homes, churches and work places.

11. I pray that the Christian women of Liberia would repent of their rebellion against their husbands.

12. May God cause the hearts of the children to be turned to the heavenly Father.

13. I ask that God would raise up Christian leaders with a real heart for the youth of Liberia.

14. May God revive the hearts of the Liberian believers and make the truths of His Word real to them.

15. I pray that God would fill believers with the peace and joy promised in His Word.

16. I ask that God would raise up Godly leaders who will teach others.

17. I pray Mark and Nancy Sheppard would be blessed with wisdom to know which ministries to pursue and how to pursue them.

18. I pray God would raise up a generation of Liberians who are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission in their own country and beyond.

19. I pray God would raise up intercessors for the people of Liberia.

20. May the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be made great in Liberia!